Title: Owner Rendered Screen Print & Design
Business Location: 111 S. College St., Newberg
City you live in: Newberg
First Job: Dining Room Staff, Friendsview Manor
Dream Job: Working for myself / My current job
Favorite Happy Hour/Tasting Room/Bar in the Valley: Now, Ruddick/Wood
Best Restaurant in the Valley: Maybe not the best, but my favorite is Crescent Cafe (too cool for a website)
Finish this sentence…”I know this makes me sound old but…” I remember installing my first
56k Modem, and CD ROM Drive.
The worst movie I have ever seen is… Snakes on a Train (yes, Train)
Advice for my high-‐school self: Break some rules once in a while.
Group/organization/demographic you are most driven to help: My friends causes, and people my own age.
When I have a day off I… What is a day off?! If I did I’d build things with my dad at his woodshop.
When I have an out-‐of-‐town visitor, the top 3 things they should do in Yamhill Valley are… Food, wine & art. We have such an amazing abundance of the three that you could eat and drink your way through a weekend easily.
Yamhill Valley really needs… More craft beer, more food, and more young people.
Nate is the first person I did business with in Newberg when I bought my studio. He immediately plugged me into the chamber of commerce, then a committee, then his friendship was mine forever!!! Nate has grown Rendered from an idea – to a tiny garage – into his new shop into a multifaceted and very successful marketing, promotions, design, and screen print biz in less than 5 years. He is much like the mascot of what a Young Pro is in Newberg. Nate has branched out to the wine industry and therefore reaches beyond Newberg and has his finger on the pulse of what those people in Carlton are doing, those bike-freaks in Portland, and the totally awesome new things happening in our valley. Nate often says to me, “Have you heard of the new (blah) going in? So-and-so is doing it and it’s going to be rad.” Nate is sort of the epicenter of young happenings in Newberg and if you don’t know him yet, you should. Stop by his shop on First Friday Artwalk and have a beer with him. You’ll love him. You’ve seen his face on shirts…he is the one, the only, Nate Travers.
Nate is an active member of the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce and Newberg Early Bird Rotary.
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