Yo Young Pros…all the punks are back in school. What a relief! 😉
August Meeting Recap
We held our last meeting at Community Plate downtown Mac on August 25th. Guest speaker Stevie Whited, owner of Express Employment Professionals McMinnville, talked about her background in business and the current state of the temp job industry in our valley.
“I have over 100 jobs a day that I don’t fill because there aren’t workers for them.”
WHAT?! I think most of us were taken aback by that. I can’t wait for the next person to tell me there aren’t any jobs out there. Its more like they don’t want to do the jobs that are out there or they simply aren’t looking hard enough.
Express does more than temp placement, it head hunts for permanent positions and also instant short term work too.
Monday, Sept. 29th 6 – 8pm
The Barlow Room in Dayton, OR 306 FERRY STREETDAYTON, OREGON 97114USA 503-714-4328
Kick-ass menu and bar
VOLUNTEER FOR NEWBERG OKTOBERFEST HERE (all the cool kids are doing it)
SEPT 19/20/21
Upcoming Meetings
Monday Oct. 27th 6 – 8pm @ Windrose Conf. Center in Newberg
Monday Nov. 24th 6 – 8pm @ The Old Oak in Mac (last meeting of the year)
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